· Short and Long Speech on Unemployment Speech 1. Good afternoon everyone. Respected Principal Sir, teachers, and my very dear friends. I am here to give a speech on unemployment. We all know how big a problem is unemployment. It severely hampers the growth of the nation and generates various social problems · Unemployment Essay. Unemployment is a worldwide curse. It is recognized as the mother of courtliness ills. It encourages dishonesty, corruption and falsehood. It develops dark side of human character. There are different causes of unemployment like poverty, overpopulation, in-effective education system and industrial development Short Unemployment In Essay About Egypt. Crime and punishment dostoevsky essay 26 january par essay in hindi essay on my favorite book holy quran. Riddle case study, case study with interview. A political crisis is one which threatens the collapse of the administration. Yasuo is jealous of Shinji because he thinks Shinji will take Hatsue's
Short Essay on Unemployment in India - blogger.com
Students hear the word unemployment but do not have the word in their experience, short essay on unemployment.
Additional reading of this issue and topic is required. In order to write an essay, short essay on unemployment, one must have a thorough knowledge of the causes and short essay on unemployment of unemployment. The issues need to be structured. Try to avoid exaggeration. Unemployment should not be a fictional extension as it is a realistic essay.
Unemployment is expected to be analyzed and addressed. But the problem is growing day by day. As a solution to this problem, changes in the education system and available employment opportunities should be considered.
Only then can we get the solution to this problem for sure! Unemployment is caused by a growing population, education system, unskilled youth, selfishness, and vain competition. If education is given by recognizing global and social facts, needs, and business goals, then we can face the problem of unemployment to a great extent.
We must first discuss what fundamental changes can be made. Politicians keep shouting that while creating a glorious society while in power itself, keeping every element poor and giving unused education without providing the education that is needed and then unemployment came about due to the power of the opposition. The education system also contributes to unemployment. In a developed society, the education that should be given does not seem to be considered. Today science and technology are so advanced that there are so many opportunities available in it at home and abroad.
But the education system completes education only by imparting book knowledge. It is true that a young person who has graduated cannot do any practical work.
So how can such education create jobs? Young people do not develop skills while studying and only go for a job on a certificate. Why would any company hire them when they have nothing to do? Such young people will remain unemployed! As the education system also became a business, the so-called education emperors became richer and society became poorer and unemployed. The reality that a young person sees after finishing his education is that he has never experienced it before, so he becomes a mental failure.
Now population growth is also responsible for unemployment. The country is neglecting the population due to a lack of adequate livelihood resources, leading to mass unemployment. How can it be possible to provide employment to educated and uneducated youth at once? At present, our country does not have such a large number of industrial units. If the population is controlled gradually, life-saving competition can be reduced and employment can be created in a systematic manner. The educated youth are equally responsible for unemployment.
Without looking for future opportunities in education and without enhancing his own skills, the young man continues to pursue short essay on unemployment intellectual and linguistic education and gains nothing.
So he gets unemployed after completing his education. If one does not get skillful education, then one should try to get skills in any field. Unemployment is also the result of vain ambition and selfishness.
Unrealistic dreams are shown by all society while all needs are easily met. Even if it is not fulfilled, man can easily live happily but by showing lust for material happiness, he is attracted to great youth. All the youth then came under the umbrella of an organization, a social system, short essay on unemployment, use them as servants or as unemployed!
Industrial establishments make a lot of money from them to get employment. Unemployment is the result of selfishness. It is detrimental to the dream of a bright future when you are young or to study and not to strive for success, short essay on unemployment. Then came the shocking reality that in the name of unemployment, the only thing left to do was to complain to others about the education system, social and family issues. So, short essay on unemployment, I hope you like this Unemployment Essay.
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Essay on Unemployment
, time: 10:33Short and Long Speech on Unemployment for Students in Easy Words
· Unemployment Essay in English | Essay on Unemployment in + Words Unemployment Essay in English. Unemployment is caused by a growing population, education system, unskilled youth, Essay on Unemployment in + Words. Young people do not develop skills while studying and only go for a job on · Essay on Unemployment ( Words) Unemployment (usual) is an economic term. Employment means occupation. To engage in doing something productive is to be employed. So unemployment means the absence of employment. When people are out of work, they are said to be unemployed. Unemployment is a worldwide problem · Sample Essay on Unemployment for Students Essay 1 ( words) Unemployment, the major concern, which is becoming the biggest barrier in the development of our country, needs strict and proper attention from all sectors of India including government or nongovernment organizations. Unemployment has been a major problem in India for many years and affected many people
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