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Harvard business school essay

Harvard business school essay

harvard business school essay

 · Overview. HBS MBA Essay. Harvard Business School’s lone MBA essay is an opportunity for candidates to give the admissions committee a sense of their experiences, personality, and ultimately, likability. HBS is has a reputation for producing a disproportionate number of Fortune CEOs relative to other business schools Read these Harvard MBA Essay examples to get a sense of what they are looking for at Harvard Business School. Contact ARINGO for help with your HBS MBA essays! Harvard MBA Essay Example #Question: Describe an internal conflict (or difficult decision) that you have blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Harvard Business School Essay Guide essay school business harvard essay With analysis by the staff of the harbus, the harvard business school newspaper / lauren sullivan and the staff of the harbus. The harbus mba essay guide is harvard business school’s unofficial compilation of 22 current essays written by students admitted to the hbs class of and

The HBS Essay: Writing Strategies that Work and What to Avoid

The following essays were written by ARINGO candidates who got accepted to Harvard Business School MBA program over the past few years. Read these Harvard MBA Essay examples to get a sense of what they are looking for at Harvard business school essay Business School.

Contact ARINGO for help with your HBS MBA essays! I frequently encountered the need to make decisions of considerable importance during both my managerial and my military work. However, one of the most difficult decisions I ever made was a personal decision that concerned my future.

This internal conflict could better reflect who I am, harvard business school essay. In the last four years I have progressed, with great effort, in two areas: the business-managerial area and the political area. In both fields I have accomplished, considering my age, significant achievements. In the business area, I served as Vice President in a private company owned by my family.

In the political area, I worked in a few positions in my municipality. My aim was to acquire diverse experiences and knowledge, harvard business school essay this aim was achieved.

A year ago, I reached the conclusion that it was time to decide if in the near future in yearsI wanted to attain a career in business management or a career in politics, harvard business school essay.

I reached a point where without setting a general goal, harvard business school essay, I could not progress to other decisions my next job, my masters degree field etc. To resolve this conflict, my first step was to decide to make my decision by the deadline I set June I realized that my years of experience in both areas were a part of a learning and searching process that granted me the necessary instruments to make this decision. My conflict was very sharp, because I knew that any decision I would make would mean giving up one area of activity and one career aspiration- political or managerial.

Moreover, much data concerning the future was naturally missing and my decision had to be rather arbitrary — a very difficult situation for a strictly rational person. Nonetheless, Harvard business school essay knew that having numerous options could be a dangerous situation. Not concentrating on one harvard business school essay option, out of fear of missing the others, might leave a person behind in all areas, and this contradicted my ambition.

Eventually, about half a year ago, I decided to steer my future to a business management career. I feel that in this area I will be able to express my talents effectively and to bring a significant contribution to society. I believe that turning to a political career in the far future, after a successful managerial career, is an adequate and natural option.

From the moment I decided, I have not looked back or hesitated. I started to focus on how to implement my decision. Consequently, a few days later I sent a Request For Application Material harvard business school essay Harvard Business School. I learned a lot about myself in the decision process I went through. I underwent an important and healthy process of developing, focusing, and maturing.

I devoted numerous hours to contemplating basic questions — What do I like to do? What am I good at? What role should I play in the community that surrounds me?

I solidified my perspectives and came out stable, strengthened, and determined. My long-run objective is to achieve a senior managerial position in a large multinational corporation that markets, or preferably manufactures, commodities.

One of my highest aspirations is to be one of those who establishes, or significantly advances, such a corporation.

Therefore, I intend to develop within the scope of one firm. Looking ten years back, I view my interdisciplinary experience harvard business school essay business management, army service, political and public positions, and traveling as a part of the solid background that can generate a successful senior manager in a multinational commodities corporation. To complete my preparation process, my short-run objectives are:.

First — to acquire quality general academic education in business administration while also mastering the English language. I wish to say, sincerely, that in my opinion HBS will fulfill my first short-run objective optimally. HBS has the qualities that best fit my expectations, objective, and background, harvard business school essay.

The more I hear and read about HBS — the more I harvard business school essay I belong there; it is considered the best school in the world for developing general management skills and acquiring management tools in the marketing and consumption areas. Graduates gain excellent placement services and leading positions, harvard business school essay. HBS has no competitors in academic level and in world-wide fame I learned that from talking to people in China, Eastern Europe, and Arab countries.

In conclusion, I believe that studying at HBS will be a great experience. Moreover, it will provide the optimal accomplishment for my first short-term objective, as well as a significant advancement towards achieving my long-term goal. As a project manager in Business and Strategic Development, I very much enjoy the challenge of uncertainty that comes with developing an idea into a business. It requires me to be at my best, in order to anticipate problems and therefore reduce the risk of failure.

I had to take an idea and conceptualize it to a cash-flow-producing concept. Every decision that I made regarding this project was driven by assumptions. Inherent in these assumptions was a high degree of uncertainty, harvard business school essay. My effectiveness was measured by the extent that I was able to eliminate uncertainty, and this challenge made my assignment very exciting and enjoyable. I had to use my creative and analytical intellect to its fullest to successfully eliminate some elements of uncertainty.

In specific, I had to challenge myself to find new and inventive ways to acquire information about a young but very competitive industry segment, harvard business school essay. Every time I was able to eliminate another element of uncertainty, I felt a sense of achievement, which enabled me to harvard business school essay the end goal with full dedication and commitment. When working in a team, there are very often differing views on the direction of the project. These conflicts are very healthy for the team, but can be destructive when fought on a personal rather than on a professional level.

As project manager, I had to mediate between team members fighting such a conflict. The challenge lay in the fact that this conflict was fought on a personal level. Consequently, I could not take sides with anyone, in terms of project direction, without causing one of the team-members to feel personally attacked. Moreover, I would create a sense of favoritism, harvard business school essay, and therefore risk losing one team-member, which I could not afford.

In every company there are two kinds of customers; the internal customers who are the employees, and the external customers, who are the consumers and the business partners. In the past, I focused too harvard business school essay on the internal customers and neglected my relationships with the external customers.

I strongly believe that if you take good care of your employees, they will take good care of your external customers. I understand, however, that I have to find a balance when dealing with these constituents. During my time as a project manager, I realized that my constant interaction and communication with team members took harvard business school essay from building good relationships with prospective business partners.

Consequently, I did not have a solid relationship with business partners which I could build on in times of conflict. In addition, the lack of familiarity with some business partners had a negative impact on my managerial abilities. Harvard business school essay, some decisions had to be reverted since they were based on wrong facts and assumptions.

A more balanced approach will enable me to harvard business school essay these mistakes in the future. Four years of intense training led to this moment, and I knew what to do without thinking. As squad commander in the elite Air Force Commando Unit, I served my country during a war.

I received notice that a platoon of 50 soldiers was under heavy attack, and my squad had to save them. I had ten minutes to process the situation, devise a plan, harvard business school essay, assign tasks, communicate status to superiors, and make life-and-death decisions. We had exactly sixty seconds to execute the mission with complete precision.

Bullets sailing overhead, my mind was completely focused on leading my brave men and saving the trapped soldiers. I felt the full weight of the situation only after all soldiers were safe and able to return home to their families.

As a squad leader for harvard business school essay years, I often had to get my men out of dangerous situations. Planning a mission to save so many lives during wartime made this experience the most substantial in my military service. When I first got the assignment, I knew that working with Americans could add significant insight to our development. A history of failed harvard business school essay by senior marketing managers made my managers reluctant to approve the plan of a junior engineer like me.

Everyone harvard business school essay agreed, and I went to lead the collaboration in December This accomplishment gave me international experience and exposure to senior colleagues at an early stage in my career. That the partnership benefited both people and products makes it my most substantial contribution in a professional situation. Leading a software development team to overcome obstacles and build a floral service website is an accomplishment that confirmed that creating state-of-the-art consumer products was what I wanted to do with my life.

After a month of work on our final computer science project at the University, we discovered we were going in the wrong direction.

We were frustrated, but nothing gets me going like a challenge. I had a plan, and I knew I had to lead by example to motivate the group. I was always the first one in the lab and never the first to leave. I constantly improved my own task, the graphical user interface, demonstrating that I required the same commitment from myself I asked of them, harvard business school essay.

Each time we met, I focused on one of the guys with a smile on his face and leveraged the opportunity by making him an ally to help me get the others motivated. I even stressed the fact that this project gave us experience with new technology that would be very beneficial in upcoming job interviews. My team chose me to present the final project. We got a perfect score, but I received something even more substantial: a vision of my professional future.

My parents are a driving harvard business school essay in my ambition to make this world a better place. My dream of pioneering my own Ed-Tech start-up first began at my kitchen table, harvard business school essay, where my parents — an educational strategist and a high-tech executive — would share stories about their work.

My dad, a farmer turned president of a tech company, harvard business school essay, showed me that determination succeeds in any environment, from the fields to the boardroom. My mom, an education innovator and social justice advocate, impressed upon me the importance of proper and equal education for all. Just before I entered first grade, my father was tapped by a former army commander to work in high tech.

My view morphed from the rolling hills of our town to harvard business school essay, the songs of birds replaced by honking taxis. Two days after arriving in America, I found myself in a public classroom, without a single friend or a word of English to my name.

How To Answer Harvard Business School's Essay \

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Harvard Business School Essay Guide essay essay business harvard school

harvard business school essay

Harvard Business School Essay Guide essay school business harvard essay With analysis by the staff of the harbus, the harvard business school newspaper / lauren sullivan and the staff of the harbus. The harbus mba essay guide is harvard business school’s unofficial compilation of 22 current essays written by students admitted to the hbs class of and The Harvard Business School essay question: You’re applying to Harvard Business School. We can see your resume, academic transcripts, extracurricular activities, awards, post-MBA career goals, test scores, and what your recommenders have to say about blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins  · Overview. HBS MBA Essay. Harvard Business School’s lone MBA essay is an opportunity for candidates to give the admissions committee a sense of their experiences, personality, and ultimately, likability. HBS is has a reputation for producing a disproportionate number of Fortune CEOs relative to other business schools

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