Moreover, Critical Discourse Analysis or CDA is an advanced approach of Discourse Analysis where any genre of discourse is analyzed in a systematic manner. However, it has been a popular method to analyze, to be more specific, newspaper article through the use of blogger.com this paper, we are going to analyze an opinion article from a daily newspaper in blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · It’s entirely possible for a newspaper article to have more than b to achieve for example a piece of news can be influencing and entertaining, both for its cause. You must make the critical choice of opting for one main objective of your chosen article and go further enough to provide valid justifications for your blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins · Critique of a newspaper article example Summary of the media article The persistent decrease in Scottish rates of murder to in one million during the year presents a 60 percent decrease in the murder rate ever since the rise to in every million persons in (Scottish Government Riaghaltas blogger.com, ).Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
How to Write a Critical Analysis of an Article
The persistent decrease in Scottish rates of murder to scot, The highest decrease in murder encompasses encounters among young persons in unrestricted places. The government utilizes a public fitness method to aim at young persons with enlightening programs and firm fines aimed at realizing a decrease in dagger carrying away from the homestead. This article showed that from the period, the police in Scotland documented a 69 percent reduction in cases of violent weapon carrying Gordon,critical analysis of a newspaper article example, p During the yearthe police in Scotland recorded a decrease of 5 percent in crime although sexual crimes increased by 11 percent being the highest level ever since Over half of the entire fall was down to a high decrease in the number of robberies and destruction recounted to police.
The major decrease was noted in Moray which recorded a fall of 18 percent. Throughout Highland and Aberdeenshire, the general drop was 17 percent. In Shetland, the crimes number reported critical analysis of a newspaper article example similar to the number that was reported in the previous year.
Police attributed this increase in the recorded number of sexual delinquencies to the improved self-confidence of targets to report crimes. Non-sexual offenses of violence including homicides, reduced by 6 percent and they have been decreasing since Killing including murder, liable homicide as well as bringing about death through dangerous or careless driving, constituted below 2 percent of non-sexual offenses of violence.
Manslaughter varied through the 10 years from through to Law-breaking which involves handling an attacking weapon reduced by 13 percent in the past year, Drug criminalities increased by 3 percent in the year and are currently at the highest peak ever since Offences of fraudulence reduced by 8 percent.
Offences including vandalism and fire-raising reduced by 4 percent, while other general crimes reduced by 3 percent.
The decreasing figures around forceful crime are particularly inspiring and are evidence to augmented policing and to the enormous amount of revolutionary work being carried out by the government of Scottish no use of knives and violence decrease unit in conjunction with healthier living program among others to instruct the young persons concerning the hazards and penalties of being involved in violence.
In spite of the reduction in the general Scottish murders, this was not detected in murders associated with those in contact with psychological health facilities. The stereotype of murders linked with a psychological condition involving alien targets and strange weapons in unrestricted places is untrue. In an analysis of 10 years involving Scotland murders conducted by users of psychological health facilities, the murder target was a partner or ex-partner in 21 percent of the cases, 18 percent for family members, 46 percent involving other acquaintances 15 percent being alien targets, as contrasting to 24 percent alien targets for all murders McAlinden,p.
This article admits that decreasing violence is a compound challenge. The unit involved critical analysis of a newspaper article example violence reduction has continually remained clear that longstanding preparation is vital in an effort to make Scotland a safe country. However, we cannot be contented and there cannot be any reduction of the efforts put. However, the figures shown are the lowest in a period of 40 years, but that reduction is centered on statistics which does not take account of crimes such as stalking.
This approach is not honest whatsoever, and when one observes a proliferation in sex offenses, it demonstrates just how significant it is these statistics arise to inspection. The police in Scotland likewise has huge work to execute when considering the rates of clear-up, principally bearing in mind such fluctuating results which depend on where persons live. This is because there is a great concern that the reduction in the rates of clear up discloses the real effect of backfilling.
It would remain irresponsible if the security ministers allowed critical analysis of a newspaper article example rate of clear-up to continue slipping devoid of any scrutiny to offer their explanation Hubbeling,p. In the years murders were documented in Wales and England of the UK. That meant that 95 percent of homicides were carried out by persons who had previously not been identified to suffer from a psychological health condition.
When one critically compares the data containing the entire number of murders and the tens of hundreds of discharges of patients from the mental health facilities, where statistics are accessible, it shows clearly that there exists no connection. It is clear that persons with psychological health conditions are more risky to themselves in comparison to other people. Literature has demonstrated that 90 percent of all persons who commit suicide in Scotland critical analysis of a newspaper article example suffering from psychological distress Gordon,p.
Other felonies were committed by young men who could carry knives and stalk people. The media article is similarly criticized because it did not give adequate space to statistics that indicated that the patients experiencing psychological illness stood equal to 10 times more likely to become the target of crimes as compared to the normal individual.
The article could not give the truth of the matter since persons with psychological health conditions more likely to become sufferers of a felony but not at all culprits of a felony.
The statistics used were questionable, in the piece itself, it was approved that the statistics of killings by persons with the psychological illness had essentially remained the same over the decades Geddes,p. In reality, some research work proposes that the statistics have dropped over the recent years. Further, the literature shows that there are approximately 1.
Actually, they are more victimized than the broad public. The activists criticized the Sun and said that they could not afford to demand enhancements in psychological healthcare to be directed by a defaming discussion engrossed on catastrophic, critical analysis of a newspaper article example, however, very sporadic events of violence Fazel et al.
When the media reports such false information that is read by millions of individuals produces an entirely false image that only fuels the humiliation and prevents more individuals from looking for assistance and support when in need, as well as when such persons are in predicament. The information provided by the government concerning the lawbreaking rates and the total number of persons imprisoned may not be quite consistent.
This exists since the statistics released does not illustrate if the crimes were executed by different persons, as well as if some individuals committed several crimes. The government report does not articulate to the public if the crimes reported resulted in imprisonment Tingle,p.
There was a dispute that lawbreaking statistics were not dependable since several police forces recorded offenses in dissimilar ways, which meant that their statistics could not be comparable throughout the UK. Additionally, the Agency for Nationwide Statistics based in the UK pulled out its support of police law-breaking statistics and blamed police forces of undependable reporting of their statistics.
It is important to note that the government does not report the entire correct statistics concerning crimes Downham and Lingham, critical analysis of a newspaper article example,p.
The media article concluded that psychological patients were liable for 1, murders through the ten years to This was as a result of the victims being murdered by somebody who stood either recognized as a mental patient during the period of their sentence basically implying that they at one moment in contact with mental health facility before committing to the crime or else these persons had demonstrated an unusual psychological condition when they executed the crime.
This is to say that the 1, persons were not all psychological patients. According to the government report, any individual suffering feelings of misery may be labeled as somebody with an unusual mental condition — a description that denotes an array of signs of an entire severity. The report cleared that the group of people was not all mental patients. There were also some limitations to the statistics used.
For example, only murders that cause a sentence are documented and pinpointing psychological illness in non-patients remains reliant on therapists preparing proof, which does not always occur. Also, their disorder could not be proved to have triggered the killing, plus the majority of those persons, the mental healthcare could not do anything to thwart the homicide.
Additionally, those who were identified as mental patients were not certainly high-threat mental patients, as the article claimed, critical analysis of a newspaper article example. Appleby, L. Implications of the Francis Inquiry for mental health research. The Lancet Psychiatry1 2pp. and Shaw, J.
National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness. Annual Report: England and Wales. Downham, G. and Lingham, R. Learning lessons: Using inquiries for change. Spring J. Mental Health L. Fazel, S. and Grann, M. Use of risk assessment instruments to predict violence and antisocial behavior in 73 samples involving 24, people: systematic review and meta-analysis. Geddes, J. Suicide and homicide by people with mental illness.
BMJ Clinical research ed. Gordon, V. Updating suicide prevention policy to provide a safer service: Vanessa Gordon describes how policy reforms will help improve the monitoring critical analysis of a newspaper article example care of people with mental illness who are at risk.
Mental Health Practice13 4pp. Hubbeling, critical analysis of a newspaper article example, D. Letter to the Editor: Transfer of suicide risk versus looking at suicides outside hospital in general. Psychological medicine42 12p. McAlinden, A. British Journal of Criminology54 2pp. Tingle, J. Francis Report: the Government accepts recommendations.
British Journal of Nursing23 2pp. Scottish Government Riaghaltas gov. scot CRIME AND JUSTICE. National statistics publication forScotland. Close Menu About Us. Purchase Confirmation. Purchase History. Transaction Failed. Free Turnitin Plagiarism Checker, critical analysis of a newspaper article example. Privacy Policy. Summary of the media article The persistent decrease in Scottish rates of murder to Highlights of the government paper In the years murders were documented in Wales and England of the UK.
Analysis of an Article
, time: 3:26Critical Analysis Of A Newspaper Article Example Essay Example

Moreover, Critical Discourse Analysis or CDA is an advanced approach of Discourse Analysis where any genre of discourse is analyzed in a systematic manner. However, it has been a popular method to analyze, to be more specific, newspaper article through the use of blogger.com this paper, we are going to analyze an opinion article from a daily newspaper in blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · Example of an Article Critical Analysis; What is a Critical Analysis Writing? Critical analysis writing means evaluation of author’s work where it can be a news article analysis, Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Newspaper Analysis a) Find a newspaper article that interests you. Give the title and date. b) Summarise the main points of the article in your own words. ( bullet points or sentences) c) State the purpose of the article. Note that many articles may have multiple purposes (e.g. to entertain and persuade). Identify what you consider to be the mainFile Size: 1MB
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