Friday, April 23, 2021

Reflection on learning style essays

Reflection on learning style essays

reflection on learning style essays

Kathiann M. Kowalski defines learning style as “the way each person absorbs, understands, and uses new information.” She goes on to say that “learning style may be inherited and some aspects develop over your lifetime” ( 20). I have always learned in a manner which I believe I inherited First, complete the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire that is embedded in the Learning Environments Presentation. Read about the learning styles that were assigned to you in your results on the Index of Learning Styles website. 2. Write two sentence reflective paragraphs that address the following prompts. 1 Integrated Learning Essay Question 1: Argue the case for higher education moving beyond the aim of acquisition of information towards a deep approach to learning. Intra-personal is when you are alone and have time to reflect upon your learning, or learning straight out of a textbook

Reflection On Learning Style Free Essays

This class has changed my views of learning by me thinking learning was just taking in new reflection on learning style essays and applying it to my assignments, but this class has showed me that learning is much more than that. There are many aspects of learning and in order to learn you have to know how you learn. Then once you understand how you learn, reflection on learning style essays, you can begin to think critically about your learning and become a critical reader and writer.

Knowing your learning patterns will allow you to be able to communicate with others on how you learn and what you need as a learner. This class has also, showed me that I reflection on learning style essays to take in consideration of how others learn, and…. Finally, revising drafts and receiving feedback from my teacher and classmates has helped for the most part. While I seemed to find constructive feedback from my teacher, my classmates could have been more supportive.

While reading some feedback all I would get is compliments for some people, while its flattering to be complimented, I would rather have tips on how my writing get better. Creating these writing pieces has taught me a lot about my voice and audience and has allowed me to reflect on my…. The first pieces I added were first and second language theories, I added this because some of the theorists have impacted my learning. Also, we had just learned the second language theories in class, so when updating it was important to add in a few theorists that had impacted my learning.

I had also added in a few learning factors that I have felt contributed to my learning. It is important to take into consideration the learning factors because in my classroom my students will have many learning factors that will impact how each individual student learns in the…. This assessment placed me into the kinesthetic learner group. This explains many issues I had in the past with finding myself drifting off in class while the teacher would be in the middle of a lecture.

Also, the information I received from this assessment gave me a multitude of techniques for effectively studying. Now that I have been made aware of the type of learner I am, I feel as though I am ready to take on reflection on learning style essays successfully. According to the VARK website, as a kinesthetic learner, you learn best by interacting and relating the information to real life situations.

I took my peers responses to my post very seriously and tried to understand their point of view, reflection on learning style essays. Again, I thought all assignments were beneficial to my learning and I feel like I have learned a great deal of information.

These webpages have helped me better understand and help student A and B learn the best. These pages have different approaches and strategies that will help meet the needs of all of the students in my class, the students who are traditional and non-traditional learners.

I think it is most important to use the information from the assessments is to better myself as an educator, I will be able to better teach reading with the new strategies that I have learned.

With what I have learned from this unit and these sources will help me in my future…. I also feel like I would be better writing a blog or articles that are opinion based. I fixed the errors and rewrote some sentences in the essays I chose to be fixed. I also noticed some other mistakes that when I wrote these essays the first time I wrote differently.

The lessons that I had planned for this week proved to be very challenging and somewhat wasteful. However, the good thing about this whole ordeal is that I have become more aware of what works and does not work for the students, reflection on learning style essays. I also have a better understanding of how important it is to check for students understanding and keep them engaged throughout the entire lesson.

Every one of reflection on learning style essays lesson plans included powerpoints that would present the content for the subject of my lesson. I had even included quizzes at the end some of my powerpoint to engage the students.

Moreover, start incorporating more technology to keep me well organized. For example, using videos, showing online pictures, and keeping an online notebook. In this notebook I will record the student 's progress and save ideas for future lessons.

I believe that if I am enjoying myself while teaching the students will get a better understanding and engage reflection on learning style essays the lesson. By focusing on one thing at a time, one may be able to learn more and soak in the information that the individual is learning. Ultimately, it comes down to the individual student and what works best for them. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa, reflection on learning style essays.

For me to be able to benefit from learning, I must be prepared and organized. I am the type of learner that has to plan out my schoolwork into sections so I can retain the information I am learning.

Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays, reflection on learning style essays. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Reflection On Learning Styles. Reflection On Learning Styles Words 5 Pages. Show More. Learning Patterns: A Class Analysis This class has changed my views of learning by me thinking learning was just taking in new information and applying it to my assignments, but this class has showed me that learning is much more than that.

Read More. Words: - Pages: 4. Reflection On English Finally, revising drafts and receiving feedback from my teacher and classmates has helped for the most part. Essay On Reflective Learning The first pieces I added were first and second language theories, I added this because some of the theorists have impacted my learning. The Importance Of VARK Learning Assessment This assessment placed me into the kinesthetic learner group. Words: - Pages: 3. The Three Most Important Things I Learned In This Class 6.

Words: - Pages: 5. Student Learning Reflection These webpages have helped me better understand and help student A and B learn the best. What I Learned As A Writer I also feel like I would be better writing a blog or articles that are opinion based. Lesson Reflection The lessons that I had planned for this week proved to be very challenging and somewhat wasteful. My Self Reflection Assignment Moreover, start incorporating more technology to keep me well organized.

Individual Learning Style By focusing on one thing at a time, one may be able to learn more and soak in the information that the individual is learning. Related Topics. Learning Education Knowledge Pattern Learning styles Psychology. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps.

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How to Write a Reflection Assignment

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Learning Styles Essay | Bartleby

reflection on learning style essays

Kathiann M. Kowalski defines learning style as “the way each person absorbs, understands, and uses new information.” She goes on to say that “learning style may be inherited and some aspects develop over your lifetime” ( 20). I have always learned in a manner which I believe I inherited A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet Personal reflections constitute a large part of my development learning process that take place spontaneously. I perceive essay writing as a daunting task, this is the experience of most if not all students in my year. Unfortunately no matter how frightening we found it, it is mandatory in every part of our course as we do not sit for exams

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